Friday 1 March 2013

There's No Place Like Home

Welcome to Friday, Foot Fans!

Wow this week has gone super fast! That's what happens when you're ill for the best part of it I suppose but it still feels like I haven't done anything for the whole week. I was however quite chuffed to have lost 4.5lbs this week - more than half way to my first slimming reward of a pedicure and a new nail varnish!

It's been a bit of a long day today and I decided to relax tonight with a HUGE bottle of squash (not the same as a glass of wine I know) and a new(ish) nail polish and repaint my toenails. Not that my previous paint-job was chipped, I was just bored of the sea green and fancied something a bit more lavish! I chose a red and silver glitter, which I have only used once before, for a bit of a Dorothy-style finish. 

I can't help it, I think I am part magpie! I just LOVE things which sparkle and shine and that definitely goes for my toes too!

I also rather fancied showing off the stunning new toe ring I was given as a gift: isn't it adorable? I've never had any foot or toe jewellery before so this is very exciting to me! It feels a little funny wearing it when I first put it on but I got used to it very fast and now I can't wait for summer to come so I can show off my tats and my toes and my new shiny! Hooray!

I also have a new pair of sandals to show you but as it's rather dark and gloomy outside and I wanted to take pictures of them in the long grass you will just have to wait patiently! 

And now I am going to retire early to my bed and get some (much needed) beauty sleep!

Night night!


Kitten xxx

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